The English Advanced Course visited the “Haus der Geschichte“ and had a guided tour of the “Very British“ exhibition. It deals with British history and how it influenced Germany as well as with German-British relations.
The tour lead us through 8 different rooms with different topics.
It started with the Brexit-room, where you could see different newspaper articles or comments of the BBC showing their opinion about Brexit compared to the German newspapers.
The second room presented the aftermath of WWII and how the UK started to join the EU.
The tour continued with (what I call) “the Royal Room” where the royal family was presented with special objects some of which were provided by the Queen herself, like the original crown of George VI and presents that were given to the royal family. What surprised me was that we could even see the dress that Elizabeth II once wore on a visit to “Schloss Augustusburg” in Germany.
A topic you probably wouldn’t expect in a history museum is football. In this room the German-British conflict of the Wembley finale was presented and how the British think about it.
Since we all listen to English songs most of the time, a room like that is of course also necessary. Here you are even able to listen to several popular English songs.
The exhibition was above my expectations with all objects shown and with the technology used to show old videos or to be able to listen to all the music. The exhibition gives the most important facts about British-German relations since the end of World War II.