On Friday 23 April, 70 Erasmus+ enthusiasts from the Czech Republic, Slovenia, Croatia, Lithuania, Finland and Germany met online and spent a great morning together, true to our project’s title “Sound in body, sound in mind”.
The project started in August 2019, the first meeting taking place in Hodonin, Czech Republic, in October, followed by the meeting in Nurmijärvi, Finland, in February 2020. Then, of course, everything came to a standstill. Instead of meeting in Makarska, Croatia, Bonn, Germany, Šentjernej, Slovenia and Riese, Lithuania we have all been put on hold.

Of course, we have kept in touch and it was great to see the “Erasmus-spirit” at work on Friday morning. The programme mirrored the diverse aspects of our project and its participants. We listened to informative presentations on nutrition, had the chance to meet and talk while filling out a questionnaire, watched videos about healthy cooking, became breathless doing workouts and dances, did quizzes, surveys and … talked!

Meeting and talking to students from the partner countries, this is, what students liked best. So, let’s hope we can soon resume our analogue meetings. Till then, digital meetings offer a great change from Corona routines and keep up the Erasmus-spirit.

A big “THANK YOU!” goes to Veronika Benešová in Hodonin, who is the best coordinator and moderator, ever 🙂
The digital program
1 | Short welcome | Czechia |
2 | Kahoot quiz | Croatia |
3 | Video presentation and survey on healthy cooking | Finland |
4 | Find someone who… activity | Germany |
5 | Quizz on a and healthy lifestyle + learning a dance | Lithuania |
6 | P.E. workout | Slovenia |
7 | Exchanging ideas and tips on Padlet and Mentimeter | Czechia |